Critics dumbfounded by 'ridiculous' AFL axing

2 years ago 296

A fig of the AFL's starring voices person deed retired astatine the league's determination to prohibition skinfold investigating connected incoming draught prospects.

The intent of the skinfold trial is to measurement the assemblage abdominous percent and springiness clubs a amended thought of the fittingness level of a draught prospect.

While it's ever been a portion of the AFL, skinfold investigating is acceptable to beryllium scrapped.

Port Adelaide large Kane Cornes slammed the determination and said the league is forgetting that AFL players aren't the "average idiosyncratic disconnected the street".

"This is conscionable ridiculous, what are we mounting these players up for?" Cornes asked connected SEN.

A young Lance Franklin has his skinfolds tested during AFL Draft Camp backmost successful 2004 (Getty)

"They locomotion into an AFL club, they are going to person their skinfolds tested, truthful I would person thought getting them accustomed to it is simply a bully thing.

"Society has shifted, I recognize that, but this isn't your mean idiosyncratic disconnected the street; this is simply a idiosyncratic who is aspiring to go an elite jock and elite athletes I person nary contented calling a subordinate overweight, nary whatsoever."

Meanwhile, Sydney Swans database manager Kinnear Beatson, who volition person a large accidental successful the endowment his nine brings in, gave a likewise captious presumption of the AFL's decision.

Beatson said the determination does nary favours for clubs, who helium claims person little information than they utilized to.

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"I person ne'er heard of a nine belittling a subordinate oregon shaming a subordinate [at the Draft Combine] due to the fact that of his carnal stature or, successful this case, what his skinfold readings were," Beatson said.

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"You wouldn't solely regularisation retired a subordinate based connected mediocre skinfold trial but it's each portion of a jigsaw puzzle.

"It astir apt hasn't happened good capable successful the past is amended the players connected the payment of having them done and however it tin heighten their carnal show by them knowing what they're eating is going to person an interaction connected their skinfold readings, and truthful volition person an interaction connected their endurance abilities.

"When playing elite sport, the full happening is challenging. You are going to crook up to pre-season and bash a 2km clip proceedings oregon a beep trial oregon a Yo-Yo test. That's portion and parcel of it. No 1 is forcing you to bash it. If you don't privation to enactment yourself successful that environment, don't enactment your manus up for it. That's fine, idiosyncratic other volition instrumentality your place.

"We really get little information present than we utilized to, which personally I find a small frustrating. We request much information, not less, truthful we tin marque close calls."

Essendon brag Xavier Campbell besides recovered it hard to get his caput astir the AFL's decision.

"I could benignant of recognize it astatine a grassroots level, I deliberation there's immoderate merit there, but we are a performance-based industry," helium besides told SEN.

"A large portion of that is the carnal facet of that. I'm not definite we've got immoderate skinfold metrics that are included successful contracts these days, but it inactive is simply a large portion of the investigating that the precocious show does connected the players.

"There are antithetic ways to spell astir it, assemblage wide scale and everything other similar that, truthful it's not my area, but I'd accidental there's inactive got to beryllium immoderate benignant of signifier of appraisal that needs to beryllium included successful that portion of the game."

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