Share Your Stories About Returning to Work if You Don’t Sit at a Desk

2 years ago 287

Millions of Americans are returning to enactment astatine hospitals, retail stores, restaurants and schools. For a abbreviated series, we are soliciting stories from those workers astir their concerns and hopes for the future.

New York commuters successful  July. Are you returning to a non-office job? We privation  to perceive  your stories. 
Credit...Gabby Jones for The New York Times

July 27, 2021, 4:06 p.m. ET

Millions of Americans are preparing for a instrumentality to the office. But millions much are returning to enactment astatine hospitals, retail stores, restaurants, schools and different non-office jobs (or bureau enactment jobs). For a abbreviated series, we are soliciting stories from those workers astir their concerns and hopes for the future.

If you are 1 of them, delight stock your stories and thoughts below. We whitethorn diagnostic them successful our instrumentality to enactment series. We volition not people immoderate portion of your submission without contacting you first.

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