Teary Aguero forced to retire after health scare

2 years ago 545

Barcelona striker Sergio Aguero announced his contiguous status connected Wednesday for wellness reasons.

The 33-year-old Argentina striker underwent bosom tests aft leaving the tract holding his thorax during Barcelona's lucifer against Alaves successful the Spanish league connected October 30.

His information has since been evaluated, and a tearful Aguero said astatine a property league astatine Camp Nou that helium had decided to halt playing.

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"I've ever known that I'd springiness it each to person a accidental to play again," Aguero said.

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Aguero complained of thorax pains successful his last lucifer for Barcelona and aesculapian experts advised him to discontinue (Getty)

"However, aft the past exams, I was advised by my doctors to cease practicing nonrecreational football. Their words were capable to marque a choice. Retiring nether these circumstances is difficult, but beingness comes archetypal - I've known that from the start.

"One of the galore things that shot taught maine is that you tin crook decision into victory. This won't beryllium immoderate different. It's surely achy - but it's nary tragedy. A calamity would person been different happening altogether.

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"My thoughts are not connected the clip I could person played on, they are connected the fantastic 18 years I did get to play."

Aguero is 1 of the world’s astir well-known players, having lone joined Barcelona successful the off-season aft ending a 10-year stint astatine Manchester City during which helium became a large of the English game.

Aguero is astir good known for his melodramatic stoppage clip extremity that won Manchester City the EPL rubric successful 2012 (Getty)

The diminutive striker's nonrecreational vocation began mode backmost successful 2003 erstwhile helium made his debut arsenic a 15-year-old for Argentinian broadside Independiente.

After 23 goals successful 56 appearances, Aguero was signed by Atletico Madrid for a past club-record interest of €20 cardinal successful 2006. Aguero would walk 5 seasons with the club, scoring 101 goals successful 234 games.

However, helium genuinely blossomed aft arriving astatine Manchester City successful 2011 for a reported interest of £35 million, 1 that helium coiled up repaying successful spades.

His archetypal lucifer for the club, wherever helium scored a brace and acceptable up different extremity aft coming connected arsenic a substitute against Swansea City, was lauded arsenic 1 of the champion debuts successful English Premier League history.

Aguero's astir iconic infinitesimal came astatine the extremity of his debut play for the club, erstwhile helium fired City to its archetypal Premier League rubric successful 44 years with a game-winning extremity successful stoppage clip connected the last time of the season.

After scoring 23 EPL goals successful his debut season, Aguero would permission City arsenic the all-time starring planetary goalscorer, having netted 184 times successful 275 Premier League appearances, surpassing French icon Thierry Henry.

He is 4th all-time connected the EPL goalscoring illustration down Alan Shearer, Wayne Rooney and Andy Cole.

Aguero retires arsenic a five-time English Premier League champion, and a six-time EFL Cup winner.

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