Trump Praises Pence for Downplaying and Lying About 1/6

2 years ago 260

Former President Donald Trump, who has continued to openly and brazenly prevarication astir the events of January 6, the time a mob of his supporters stormed the United States Capitol successful a bid to overturn the 2020 predetermination results, praised his erstwhile Vice President, Mike Pence aft Pence appeared connected Fox News and accused the media of focusing connected “one time successful January.”

“Vice President Mike Pence’s connection during his interrogation with the large Sean Hannity precise overmuch destroys and discredits the Unselect Committees Witch Hunt connected the events of January 6th,” Trump said successful a statement. “It volition proceed anyways, however, due to the fact that the Fake News doesn’t privation to absorption connected Afghanistan, Russia, Taiwan and China, the Border, inflation, and a failing economy.”

During his quality connected Fox, Pence said that the media is focused connected January 6 to “distract from the Biden administration’s failed agenda.”

“They privation to usage that 1 time to effort to demean the quality and intentions of 74 cardinal Americans who believed we could beryllium beardown again and prosperous again and supported america successful 2016 and 2020 but for our portion I genuinely judge we each ought to stay wholly focused connected the future,” Pence said astatine the time.

Mike Pence suggests that the media is demeaning Trump supporters by reporting connected the 1/6 investigation, "They volition usage that 1 time to effort to demean the quality and intentions of 74 cardinal Americans."

— Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) October 5, 2021

Pence seemed to disregard the information that helium could precise good person been killed connected January 6.

Video footage from that day shows the aggravated mob chanting “Hang Mike Pence!” and “Bring retired Pence!” arsenic they hunt for him done the halls of the Capitol. The mob acceptable up makeshift gallows extracurricular the Capitol, indicating that they intended to marque bully connected their threat.

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